The following Flight Light Inc. Airfield Lighting products meet the requirements of the Buy American Act.
The Buy American Preferences under 49 U.S.C. § 50101 require that all steel and manufactured goods used in Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funded projects be produced in the United States.
In accepting AIP funding, grant recipients must certify that all steel or manufactured products used on any portion of the AIP-funded project are produced in the United States and are of 100 percent U.S. materials. Under 49 U.S.C. § 50101(b), the FAA has the authority to waive these Buy American Preferences if certain market or product conditions exist.
For more information, visit the FAA’s Buy American page.
D-Lux LED Taxiway and Runway Signs | FAA L-858
I-Lux LED Taxiway and Runway Signs | FAA L-858
I-Lux LED Size 4 | Distance Remaining Marker (DRM) | Arresting Gear Marker (AGM)
AB Series Rotating Airport Beacon Lights FAA L-801A
HBM 150/2 Airport Rotating Beacon | L-801
HBM 400PS Airport Rotating Beacon | L-802A
Precision Approach Path Indicator Lighting (PAPI) | FAA L-880 & L-881
Airfield Lighting Control Panel | FAA Certified L-821
Radio Receiver/Decoder FAA L-854
ZA181 High Intensity Runway Centerline and Touch Down Zone Inset Light | FAA Compliant: L-850A & B
High Intensity Elevated Lights “HIEL” | FAA L-862 and L-862E
LED Runway Edge Light | FAA L-861, L-861E
Medium Intensity Elevated Lights “MIEL” | FAA L-861, L-861T, L-861E
LED Taxiway Edge Light | FAA L-861T
Medium Intensity Elevated Lights “MIEL” | FAA L-861, L-861T, L-861E
Solar Taxiway Edge Light AV-70-L863 & L861T | FAA L-863B, L-861T