Unidirectional Runway End Identification Lighting System (REIL) | Style: C, Low Intensity, Single Step | Honeywell (Spare Parts Only)

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Spare Parts Only


Model: GEA20-0712A
Style: C,
Low Intensity, Single Step

The Honeywell Runway End Identification Light System(REIL) provides a circle guidance and visual identification of the end of the runway for landing aircraft. The system consists of two flashing light assemblies.

The light fixtures are usually mounted remotely on 2-inch EMT located 40 feet to the left and right of the full strength pavement and in line with the threshold lights.

The main components of the REIL System are one (1)control cabinet, one (1) flasher power supply, two (2)flasher light heads, and miscellaneous mounting hardware. Both flashers operate simultaneously to produce a short duration burst of white light twice per second. The timer is located in the master control cabinet.

System control of the flashing light fixtures is accomplished through the master control cabinet unit for a single low intensity level of light output. The system provides for either local or remote control and is available with an optional current sensing relay and/or Honeywell series to parallel power adapters.

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